A Community Built for Adoptees

We support adoptee voices and stories.

Welcome to Rewriting Adoptionβ€”a community built by adoptees for adoptees. Rewriting Adoption was created to support adoptee voices and stories to rewrite a new adoption narrative.

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A New Adoption Narrative

When you listen to adoptees, it becomes clear how nuanced the adoptee experience is. Unfortunately, the current, dominant adoption narrative does not capture the complexities of our diverse backgrounds. The one-size-fits-all narrative leaves little room for open and honest dialogs about grief, loss, anger, and trauma.

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Adoptee Stories

It can be hard to describe how we feel about being adopted, but when we listen to fellow adoptees, their words and stories often resonate. As adoptees, we have many different identities and backgrounds. When we share our stories we may find common ground, but we also offer unique insight into our diverse experiences.

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Dear Adoptee, we are so glad you’re here.

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Adoptee Voices

  • Most non-adopted people oversimplify and invalidate the grief of adoptees because they assume that our families are just like other families.

    Adopteeland by Kristen, Adoptee Contributor

  • It's such a curious thing how being relinquished is never talked about with sorrow; but instead with applaud for the adoptive parents.

    Adoption, Shame & Cocktail Parties by Amy, Adoptee Contributor

  • I played the role of being a chameleon; not realizing the toxicity of what I was doing in allowing people to mislabel me.

    Latina Mislabeled by Martha, Adoptee Contributor

Featured Story

How Adoptive Parents Can Support Adoptees with Language

How does language impact adoptees? Adult adoptees reveal the lasting effects of harmful, language and how adoptive parents can foster healing.

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Our Story

Whether you’re new to the adoptee community or have been involved for a while, we’re so glad you’re here. Get to know our team and creators and learn why we started Rewriting Adoption.


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