How does language impact adoptees? Adult adoptees reveal the lasting effects of harmful, language and how adoptive parents can foster healing.

Adoptee Advocates: Lina Vanegas
Rewriting Adoption Rewriting Adoption

Adoptee Advocates: Lina Vanegas

Explore our interview with Lina Vanegas, a social worker and advocate, as she shares powerful insights on adoption trauma, mental health, and suicide prevention, ensuring adoptees’ voices are heard.

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  • Most non-adopted people oversimplify and invalidate the grief of adoptees because they assume that our families are just like other families.

    Adoptee Land by Kristen, Adoptee Contributor

  • It’s such a curious thing how being relinquished is never talked about with sorrow; but instead with applaud for the adoptive parents.

    Adoption, Shame & Cocktail Parties by Amy, Adoptee Contributor

  • I played the role of being a chameleon; not realizing the toxicity of what I was doing in allowing people to mislabel me.

    Latina Mislabeled by Martha, Adoptee Contributor
