How does language impact adoptees? Adult adoptees reveal the lasting effects of harmful, language and how adoptive parents can foster healing.

Best Christmas Present (All Sales Final)
L. Calder L. Calder

Best Christmas Present (All Sales Final)

We hear about “adopted” Christmas puppies being returned to shelters when they lose their festive novelty. What happens when the novelty of a human child “gift” wears off?

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  • Most non-adopted people oversimplify and invalidate the grief of adoptees because they assume that our families are just like other families.

    Adoptee Land by Kristen, Adoptee Contributor

  • It’s such a curious thing how being relinquished is never talked about with sorrow; but instead with applaud for the adoptive parents.

    Adoption, Shame & Cocktail Parties by Amy, Adoptee Contributor

  • I played the role of being a chameleon; not realizing the toxicity of what I was doing in allowing people to mislabel me.

    Latina Mislabeled by Martha, Adoptee Contributor
